Welcome valued employee to "Shop by the Ton"

Where weight is our main constraint!

Your job is pretty simple, customers will give you a target weight and you give 'em a bunch of stuff until you hit that weight! Easy Peasy! Or it would be if the scale wasn't broken I guess you'll just have to figure that out on your own. Best of luck!

Workers Handbook:

  • Being significantly over or under weight will result in NO PAYMENT
  • Going over a customers budget will result in NO PAYMENT
  • Including an Item a customer doesn't want will result in a 10% profit reduction
  • Excluding an Item a customer wants will result in a 10% profit reduction

Other Information:

This game is a submission to the 2024 GMTK Gam Jam with the theme Built to Scale

Unfortunately the game can crash when getting halfway through the available items. As of now there is NO SAVING so keep those numbers in mind if you want to continue playing

Thanks for Playing!!


Weight Constraint v1.0.zip 38 MB


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(1 edit)

This is great! I like how it's easy to just keep playing - the motive is strong. One note: It would be great if the submit button were highlighted.

In case you want to try ours: https://hubblekeat.itch.io/event-horizon

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

I recorded a video of me playing your game, here are my first impressions!  

Also, if you would like to play our entry, MEGAmini Chess, here it is!: https://curtis-jensen-games.itch.io/megaminichess

You're video is super insightful, thanks so much for playing! I'll be sure to play yours as well. :)