Made Possible using Kenney Assets for art & SFX and celestialghost8 for music

Acerola Jam Specific

Due to losing a couple days of dev time due to PC issues the "game"  turned out to be more of a proof of concept but I'd be happy to see what people think regardless. Have fun and Good luck with the Jam!

Github Repo Link: Gonna add later since github hates me rn

Welcome to Chaotic Dungeoneering!

Exploring dungeons is a quintessential part of adventuring and must be taken up with the upmost caution. Unfortunately  for you your companions don't have an ounce of respect for you and battle at their leisure.

Use your limited pool of actions and learn from your mistakes  to influence the outcome of each battle and clear the dungeon!

Actions you can take:

  • Shout - Affects the whole party
  • Cheer - Affects the whole party
  • Pinch - Affects  one party member
  • Bully - Affects  one party member

Learn how each of your team members act under different emotional states and weaponize it!

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